Our Services

NCCF-Sustainable Forest Management certification

GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. has been provided provisional approval to perform third-party certification audit under the PEFC endorsed Forest management (FM) certification scheme (PEFC-NCCF-FM). We also offer other internationally benchmarked FM certification services with our accredited partners. Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental   organization, promoting  sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification. https://www.pefc.org/ The Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF) is a non-profit organization, working towards developing national sustainability certification standards in India. NCCF has indigenously developed the Certification Standard for Sustainable Forest Management which has been endorsed by PEFC giving the standard global recognition. The development of the NCCF Forest Management Standard received support from key forest-based stakeholders such as the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) through its premier institutes like the Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Indian Council for Forestry, Research and Education (ICFRE), Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institutes (IPIRTI), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Export Promotions Council for Handicrafts (EPCH), along with various industrial leaders. We, at GIPL, are offering third-party certification audits to State Forest Departments, State Forest Corporations, Forest-based Industries; Pulp and Paper Industry, Plantations, Community Forests, etc. against the PEFC-NCCF Forest Management Standard. GIPL has been provisionally accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) to perform NCCF Forest Management Audits. Benefits of Forest Management Certification:
  • Higher income from price premium that buyer may pay for certified timber and products.
  • Maintenance of existing market
  • Improved access to new market
  • Safeguarding legal and customary rights of tribal, forest dwellers and local communities
  • Getting premium on the certified timber
  • Helps in Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change mitigation,
  • Helps in conserving soil and water through sustainable Forest Management Practices
Our Client
Name of Client Certificate Code Current status Country Scope
Uttar Pradesh Forest Corporation GIPL-FM-0001 SUSPENDED 28th June 2023 to 20th June 2024 India This certificate was used to cover 41 Forest Divisions (450408 ha)
uav, forest, tree

Provide Application

The application is provided to the prospective client through email or website.

Description of Certification Process and Standards

A detailed description of the evaluation process and certification process, documents and standards, GIPL Professional Service Agreement will be provided to the applicant.

Review the Application

Once the filled Application form is received it is reviewed by GIPL.

Draft Audit Budget and Sending Proposal

Draft audit budget is prepared, including sample size, auditor day count and rates, and audit team composition. GIPL sends to the applicant the final proposal of services, including work order, Professional Services Agreement, Information Request Checklist.


  • If the client is going for the NCCF FM certification for first time then Pre-assessment audit will be conducted to find out the gaps between the Forest management operations and requirements of NCCF-FM Standard
  • Report is submitted to client for review within 30 days of completing the field portion of the pre-evaluation. The results of the pre-evaluation are used as an essential tool in preparing for the main evaluation.

Stakeholders Consultation

GIPL informs NCCF 45 days prior to the onsite visit of main-evaluation and re-evaluation and NCCF will release 30 days stakeholder announcement via its website

Audit Plan

  • Client will receive audit Plan at least 2 weeks prior to the on-site visit
  • On Site Evaluation will be conducted by the audit team.


The findings in the form of CARs to be issued is conveyed to the client within 10 days of the closing meeting

Audit Report

  • The draft report will be submitted to the client within 45 days of audit (closing meeting) for review. Client must submit their confirmation to GIPL on Draft Report within 30 days of submission.
  • The Final report is submitted to the client within 75 days from the date of closing meeting

Certificate Decision

Following report review, GIPL will review the report and other relevant information and certificate decision will be taken

Annual Surveillance Audit

On certificate issuance, a surveillance audit is required annually.

NCCF FM_APP_Application Form_V1.1_01062021

S. No.

Certified Client



Uttar Pradesh Forest Corporation

GIPL-FM- 0001 

Enquiry Form

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