GIPL Privacy Policy


GICIA India Private Limited (GIPL) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes how we handle the personal information we collect and process. The Privacy Policy applies to the programs and services that we provide, as well as your use of our websites, mobile and web apps or platforms, and any other services that link to or refer to the Privacy Policy (such programs and services, collectively, our “Services”).   

Privacy Statement

GIPL is committed to protecting the personal information of customers, employees, suppliers and business associates. Personal information includes data related to the person who can be identified by that particular data. Our intent is to protect the information collected through its website and collect personal information which is provided voluntarily by you, so that we can offer information and services requested from your end. In order to create an ambience of trust and to comply with all requisite laws, GIPL has established privacy policies and data protection procedures in processes and services that involve collection, processing, storage and transformation of any personal information.

Commitment, Choice and Consent

GIPL provides perception the individual(s) regarding intent of the personal information collected and used. GIPL shall not collect personal information from any provider or person unless consented to and/ or is required and permitted under a lawful contract. It propounds individual(s) with choices regarding the use of personal information in order to process or communicate key employment related services and events. Concerned permission for certain usages of personal information may be requested with an option or choice to agree or decline those usages.

Collection, Use and Retention of Personal Information

By registering and/ or submitting personal information on GIPL’s website, you agree to the use of this information in accordance with the Privacy Statement. Personal information shall not be used for other purposes, unless explicit permission has been received, or unless otherwise required or permitted by law or professional standards. For example, if you raise a query for individual standard information, GIPL will use the personal information to respond and process the request.

Quality Policy

GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. (GIPL) as a Certification Body and Inspection Agency aims to develop and implement quality management systems and ensure their effectiveness consistently in accordance with the relevant national and international standards, rules and regulations, and also independent accreditation requirements.

GIPL complies with its legal obligations, code of practices, and does not allow commercial, financial or any other influences to compromise its tenet of impartiality, and assiduously emphasizes on the importance of impartiality and non-discrimination in all business dealings.

Security for Personal Data

GIPL uses methodological measures to maintain the security of your Personal Information. GIPL has implemented industry-standard methods of protecting your Personal Information. In addition, we protect your Personal Information from unauthorized physical access by storing your Personal Information in a controlled facility. Except as provided elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, GIPL limits access to Personal Information in electronic databases to those persons (including employees and affiliates) in the GIPL organization who have a business need for such access.

Disclosure to third parties and onward transfer

GIPL does not share personal information with unaffiliated third parties, except as necessary for legitimate professional and business needs, to carry out requests, and/ or as required or permitted by law or professional standards.

Amendments to this privacy policy

We will review and update this privacy policy at least once a year to reflect any changes to the way personal information is collected and processed in relation to the products and services offered. If we change our privacy policy, any changes will be posted on GIPL’s website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, or would like to file a complaint about how GIPL uses the personal information we hold, you can contact us using the information below.  Please contact [email protected] for your inquiries.

Report the issues to: [email protected]

GIPL Quality Assurance Team GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. 

 B-081, 8th Floor, ATS Bouquet,

Sector-132, Gautam Budh Nagar – 201304, (U.P.), India

Mr. Dhananjay Kumar

Chief Executive Officer