Logo And Language Usage Guidelines

1. This page describes the terms of using the below mentioned GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred as GIPL) Logo and Text

  • GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. Logo,  
  • “GICIA India Pvt. Ltd.” Text
  • its abbreviated form “GIPL”

Any Party wishing to use this trademark on any material that will be seen by consumers (i.e. Business to consumer communication, called (“Consumer-facing”) must hold a valid certification to do so from GIPL, certified organizations are allowed to use GIPL’s logo and text only after receiving written approval from GIPL program Manager.

All the marketing, communications, and other staff and contractors who are responsible for providing information about GIPL company’s certification for product labels printed brochures, sales sheets, and other collateral or promotional materials, as well as for advertising, press releases, websites, published reports, articles, signs, or any other communications, are bound to follow the guidelines given here

GIPL’s logo and text shall not be used in such a manner so as to bring the GIPL into disrepute and make any statement regarding its certification that may be considered misleading.

2. Scope

This Usage Guideline covers how to use the GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. Logo and Text for promotional and non-promotional activities. The document on Logo and Language acts as a guide for the relevant organization on the usage of the Logo and Text of GICIA India Pvt. Ltd.  This is mandatory for all the GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. certified organizations to follow correctly the usage of the Logo.

3. About the GIPL Logo

3.1 The GIPL Logo

The Logo is the single most recognizable symbol of GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. It is critical for the Logo to be used properly to help keep up the trustworthiness of the image and brand of GIPL. There is something more to the Logo than you may think. The sort and illustrations were painstakingly made to convey the ideas of water, air, earth and fire in one concise graphic.

As GIPL is dealing with various elements of nature so our logo comprises four elements of nature yet keeping it simple and elegant.

The GIPL logo comprises five features, which may not be separated from each other or altered in any way:

A. It denotes the element Water.

B. It denotes the element Air.

C. It denotes the element Earth.

D. The shape denotes shape of the complete unit is denoting fire.

E. The letters TM indicate that this logo is a trademark.

3.2 Dimension, Font and Color The Artboard Dimensions is 15.0229 in x 12 in. The font used is El Messiri Bold.  The color code is explained below
4. GIPL Logo Usage Guidelines

4.1 Upon achieving a certification from GICIA India Pvt. Ltd., GIPL shall provide its logo language guidance documents to each client. Clients are requested to always be ensured that they use the Logo files that are provided by the Program Manager or designee and do not endeavor to change or make the GIPL Logo by themselves.

4.2 The Logo should be readable over background images and should not be placed over images, artwork or backgrounds that negatively affect legibility.

4.3 The GIPL logo is generated in color, but may be reproduced in color or in black and white, within certain guidelines. The following versions of the mark are available for usage by the Certificate Holders:

  • full color positive,
  • black and white positive (BWP) for use in black and white reproductions,
  • black and white negatives (BWN) for use when the mark is required to be placed on a dark background

4.4 To maintain optimum clarity in reproducing GIPL logo at a small size, the logo should not be reduced in smaller than what can be seen with the naked eye.

4.5 Clear Space Requirements: To keep up the respectability and lucidity of the brand, “clear space” measurements have been built up for the GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. Logo. No other graphic or text element/component encroaches into this space. As appeared in the illustration, the minimum clear space is measured utilizing “X”, where X equals to 10% of the height of the mark.

4.6 Use of the GIPL logo and Text in conjunction with other certification marks: While using GIPL Logo or Text in conjunction with another mark, the user shall follow the requirements of that particular certification scheme or accreditation.

5. Steps to use the GIPL Logo
6. Improper GIPL Logo Usage

6.1 Improper use of the GIPL Logo include, but is not limited to:

a) Using the Logo in any other manner that implies that products are certified by GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. And/or its accreditation bodies.

b) Forging an original copy of Logo or Text.

c) Publicizing certification or using Logos and/or symbols on business cards, signboards, on websites with different addresses other than the address certified (difference must be communicated on cards, signboards, or websites).

d) Publicizing certification or using Logos and/or symbols on business cards, signboards, on websites with products or services other than the certified ones (differences of such products and services must be communicated on cards, signboards, or websites).

e) Publicizing the scope of activities of the certified organization that misleads the public.

f) Advertising certification in any way that might mislead the reader about the status of a certified organization.

g) Using outdated /obsolete versions of the Logos and/or symbols.

h) GIPL logo and/or text should not be a part of company’s website domain, company name or brand name.

6.2 It is the responsibility of the certification recipient to avoid any unfair use, deceptive use, misuse and mischaracterization the GIPL logo and text. All public declarations and program approved declarations and labeling should clearly apply only to products and projects that have undergone assessment and earned certificate.

Avoid misuse on non-certified products: GIPL logo and text shall not be used in conjunction with non-certified products or programs, in any manner other than explicitly authorize by GIPL in the guidance document or otherwise authorize in writing.

Avoid declarations other than those approved by GIPL: GIPL Logo & text and any declaration shall not be used in a manner that suggests a meaning other than that intends and allowed by GIPL.

Non- transferability of the certification: The GIPL Logo is not transferable for use by third parties and under no circumstances should the GIPL Logo be used by any organization who is not certified by GICIA India Pvt. Ltd or authorized by written approval from GICIA India Pvt. Ltd.

Marketing and public relation: The applicant should work closely with GIPL while making Business to Business and/or Business to Consumer use of GIPL logo or text.

6.3 Infringements and Unacceptable Use

a. Alteration of the extent of the Mark

b. Alteration of the shape of the Mark

c. Changing text styles inside the Mark

d. Alteration of the color of the mark unless authorization is obtained

e. Changing the Mark data/information

f. Screening/Blurring the Mark

g. Distortion of the Mark

h. Rotation of the Mark

7. Contact Us

Contact the GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. Program Manager, if you have any questions about the certification mark usage process, or if you have any questions about appropriate use of the GIPL certification mark, the GIPL name, or language pertaining to your certification.

If any certificate holder wishes to use GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. Logo or text in any material such as newspaper articles, magazine articles, electronic media, or similar publications, they must acquire prior approval from GICIA India Pvt. Ltd. by sending proposals to Program Manager.

Guidance on requirement for NABCB Logo Usage

NABCB Accredited body can use NABCB Accreditation Symbol for the specific conformity assessment services and the office(s) of the accredited body that are included in the accreditation granted by the NABCB.
GIPL shall not make any statement regarding its accreditation that NABCB may consider misleading or unauthorized, specifically:
1. The NABCB Accreditation Symbol as relevant shall be used to refer to the accredited status of the accredited GIPL, and where applicable in conjunction with mark of the GIPL to refer to the accredited certificates issued.
2. The NABCB logo shall not be used in isolation without the accreditation number.
3. The NABCB Accreditation symbol shall not be used in any way that it misleads the reader about the accredited status of GIPL or its client organization.
4. For management systems certification, neither the GIPL nor the accreditation body’s symbol shall be used on the packaging of a product, labels, publicity material, and written announcements etc. that in any way suggests that the certification body or the accreditation body has certified or approved any product, process or service of the certified body or in any other misleading manner. For product certification, the GIPL may authorize the use of their mark on the products in accordance with their procedures. GIPL shall ensure that product conformity mark and any mark / logo / symbol used for management systems are distinct. Use of NABCB accreditation symbol on products is not permitted.
5. The NABCB Accreditation Symbol shall not be displayed on vehicles except in publicity material like part of a large advertisement.
6. The NABCB Accreditation Symbol shall not be displayed on buildings and flags.
7. All quotations and contracts by GIPL having the NABCB Accreditation Symbol shall clearly indicate the portion of activities that are not accredited by NABCB.
8. The NABCB Accreditation Symbol shall not be used on the visiting cards.
9. GIPL upon suspension or withdrawal of its accreditation (however determined), shall discontinue use of NABCB Accreditation Symbol and all advertising matter that contains any reference to an accredited status.
10. GIPL shall not allow the fact of its accreditation to be used to imply that a product, process, system or person is approved by the accreditation body.
11. In case the NABCB Accreditation Symbol is being used by GIPL or by the client of GIPL contrary to the conditions specified, then GIPL shall take reasonable action and where relevant advise the concerned client organization for corrective action. In situations of repeated contraventions by the client organization, GIPL may withdraw the conformity assessment attestation. In case GIPL does not take suitable action against the improper use of the NABCB Accreditation symbol NABCB may suspend / withdraw the accreditation of GIPL.
12. In case the NABCB Accreditation symbol is being used contrary to the conditions by GIPL, NABCB shall take reasonable action and advise for corrective action. These conditions shall include, but not limited to incorrect or unauthorized claims of accreditation status, or misleading or unauthorized use of NABCB accreditation symbols and the NABCB accreditation symbol. Suitable actions may include, based on the severity of the contraventions, actions such as requests for corrective action, suspension, withdrawal of accreditation, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action. In situations of repeated contraventions by GIPL, NABCB may withdraw the accreditation.
13. Upon suspension of the accreditation by NABCB, GIPL shall immediately cease to use its stationery, certificates and other publicity material that has NABCB Accreditation Symbol The use can be restarted only after the suspension is revoked by NABCB.
14. Upon termination of the accreditation on account of non-renewal / withdrawal of the accreditation, GIPL shall immediately cease to use its stationery, certificates and other publicity material that has NABCB Accreditation Symbol.
15. The accredited certification / inspection body can reproduce the NABCB Accreditation Mark and the Combined IAF MLA or ILAC MRA Mark as applicable only in conjunction with its own certification / inspection mark, as shown in the Appendix ‘B’, on its certificates, reports, stationery and literature associated with its accredited certification / inspection activities and scopes subject to the conditions specified below. The following ways are to be followed for the use of Accreditation Symbol by GIPL, GIPL being the accredited CAB:

The following ways are to be followed for the use of Accreditation Symbol by GIPL, GIPL being the accredited CAB:

Font: Arial True type (bold)

Colour: Circle – Cyan 80% Magenta 30% Triangle and Outline – Black 100%.

Black & White: Circle – Black 40% Triangle and Outline Black 100%

XX000 is the Alpha Numeric Accreditation Number granted by NABCB to Certification / Inspection Body

16. The size of the NABCB logo shall not normally be reduced below the size 15×12 mm. In the event of reproduction in smaller size owing to limitation of space, the logo shall be legible with no infilling of space and letters. The symbol shall be reproduced based on the master supplied to each of the accredited certification / inspection body. Redrawn masters should never be used.
(Please refer “BCB-202-Conditions for Use of NABCB Accreditation Mark” for more details)

Guidance on requirement for NCCF Logo Usage

1. GIPL shall follow all NCCF logo requirements outlined in NCCF –STD-LOGO-01/2017 and is responsible for control of the use of the NCCF Logo and related claims by the relevant Logo User.

2. “NCCF” initials shall be used with correct reference to the NCCF and its schemes. The usage of the “NCCF” initials referring to product or its raw material shall be supported by the NCCF recognized forest management or chain of custody certificate.

3. For use of the NCCF logo and marks of conformity, Clients of GIPL are required to obtain approval for each use from GIPL. Each time a Client wishes to use the NCCF trademark (logo, name, initials) to label a product or promote their company or products, they need to seek approval from GIPL.

4. Verification audits are carried out by GIPL to ensure compliance with the use of the NCCF Logo and related claims. GIPL and nominated agents are required to report unapproved and/or non-conforming uses of the NCCF. Logo and its trade mark to NCCF. NCCF will evaluate the unapproved and/or non-conforming uses of the NCCF Logo to determine whether further action, including legal action, is required.

5. GIPL shall be submitting the filled application form for the NCCF Logo use for FM Certification after the issuance of the certificate. Application can be found on website..

6. Graphic Requirements as follows:


Colour: NCCF Logo can be used and printed only in pantone 364.
Dimension: The ratio between the height and width shall be maintained.

License number is issued by NCCF.

  1. GIPL shall use the NCCF Logo according to the measurements, colors, trade-mark claims and other specifications detailed in the Logo Tool Kit, which NCCF makes available to approved logo use applicants.


8. Infringements and Unacceptable Use:
a. Changing the logo or label proportions
b. Changing or adding to the label contents, other than editing the NCCF Logo License Code
c. Making the logo or label appear to be part of other information such as environmental claims not relevant to NCCF certification
d. Placing the logo or label within another border or shaped background
e. Using more than two colors for the label or promotional panel
f. Changing the shape of the border or background
g. Rotating the logo or the label
h. Violating the clear space around the logo or the label (measured by the height of letters NCCF which form part of the logo)
i. Combining the logo or the label with the user’s own branding in a way which implies association, or which overlaps with the NCCF label
j. Placing the logo or label on a strongly patterned background